The following guide is a summary of basic functions that must be learned by XCALLY Motion V.2 Administrators, Users and Agents in order to manage their tasks properly.
Click on the links highlighted in the following paragraphs to go to the specific documentation pages for further deepening.
Software Installation and Upgrades
- Follow the procedure for the Server Installation and the Client Phonebar fast setup (read server pre-requisites and client pre-requisites before)
- Software Update:
- Phonebar “new version” available at Agent login (access to Changelog for a full description)
- Server updates availability notification and access to a Changelog full description
System Settings and Tools
- Login and change the password for the Administrator
- Licenses & Provisioning:
- Interface to update Modules Licenses
- Change Plans and modify concurrent Agents number from the specific UI request form
- Configure Networks and SMTP settings
- Define general Time Intervals, Pauses, Sounds, Tags, Templates
- Learn how to use Variables (standard and custom)
- Design Custom Dashboards and enable Users to run them
Staff Setup and Management
- Define the Staff:
- Agents (Contact Center Employees)
- Users (Supervisors and Controllers) according specifically designed User Profiles (permissions, visibility and role definition)
- Telephones (PBX Extensions)
- Assign permissions and credentials for Users and Agents
- Manage Agents profile changes
- Define Work Teams:
- Monitor Activities on Realtime for all available Channels and for all Agents/Telephones
- Change Agents Status (pause/restart, logout, add/remove to channel queue)
- View status and modify configuration of Trunks and Queues and view Queue and Outbound calls
- Monitor Specific Activities on Custom Dashboards
Contacts and Lists Setup and Management
- Upload or create entries in Customer Management (CM) to manage Customers information and keep tracks of their interactions
- Define Contacts Lists for:
- The Dialer in Queue/IVR campaigns (the list can contain the numbers to call or a blacklist)
- Preventing Agents to manage contacts they don’t have access to
- Inserting people who contact the organization through specific channels (e.g. chat, mail, and so on) inchannel default lists
- Define custom fields that you can set when you add a contact in a list
- Define custom dispositions, e.g. labels that can be applied to interactions records in order to describe them
Multi-Channels Setup and Management
- Configure SIP Connections (Trunks) between your phone system and a VOIP provider for inbound/outbound calls
- Configure Queues (which the Agents can belong to)dedicated to voice interactions and define their routing mechanisms
- Configure Routes and define how to manage (internal, inbound and outbound) calls setting specific Action Plans (for internal, inbound and outbound routes) and context-based automatic behavior
- Define Triggers for Voice interactions automatic handling
- Set the Time Intervals and limit the range of time an action should be executed
- Check and Listen Voice Recording files
- Setup a Voicemail for the callers who want to leave a voice message
- Define Music on Hold classes
- Enable Supervisors to Chanspy, namelyto listen to agents calls, as well as to whisper or barge into a conversation
- Access Realtime Environment to monitor the activity status of agents, telephones, trunks, queues and outbound calls
Voice Campaigns Autodial (Bull)
- Configure the Queue Campaign service and monitor it in order to:
- use a specificdialing method
- generate calls from a list and connect contacts to Agents in a Queue
- skip contacts included in a blacklist
- manage retry, congestion, no answer and busy problems
- Configure the IVR Campaign service and monitor it in order to:
- forward the call to an IVR flow designed using Cally Square
- skip contacts included in a blacklist
- manage retry, congestion, no answer and busy problems
- Select ready-to-use interfaces towards mailing systems (e.g. Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail) or configure your favorite one
- Configure the Email Accounts that the Agents, added to specific Email Queues, will use to send and receive email messages from their common Desktop Interface
- Define the applications that will be executed when there is an incoming message in the Email channel account
- Setup email accounts dispositions and canned answers
- Set up Triggers for Email automatic operation and tags categories for email messages labeling
- Monitor Email activities and operators in Realtime
- Create the Chat Queues (and choose their routing strategy)and then add Agents on them (or define single Agents as chat recipients) that will be notified when a new chat request is incoming on their common Desktop Interface
- Define the Website on which you will show the Chat Snippet
- Define the website snippet appearance, behaviour, dispositions and canned answers
- Add the source code in the web site code to make the snippet show
- Build the interaction form for online and offline chat management
- Set up Triggers for Chat automatic operation
- Define Chat Dispositions and Canned Answers
- Monitor Chat activities and operators in Realtime
- Setup SMS default Providers in order to send and receive SMS
- Configurethe SMS Queues dedicated to SMS sessions, then associate the Agents who use SMS interactions to them
- Define the SMS Queues strategies and Agent Timeout
- Define SMS Accounts with all the information needed to send and receive messages
- Define the applications that will be executed when there is an incoming message in the SMS channel account
- Define SMS Dispositions and Canned Answers
- Set up Triggers for SMS automatic operation
- Monitor SMS activities and operators in Realtime
Open Channel
- Configure new Channels integration
- Create Open Channel Accounts that the Agents, added to specific Open Channel Queues, will use to send and receive messages from common Desktop Interface
- Define the Open Channel Queues strategies and Agent Timeout
- Define the applications that will be executed when there is an incoming message in the Open channel account
- Define Open Channel Dispositions and Canned Answers
- Set up Triggers for Open Channel automatic operation
- Monitor Open Channel activities and operators in Realtime
- Configure Fax Queues (defining routing mechanisms, teams management, etc.) and add Agents allowed to send/receive faxes to them
- Create Fax Accounts and insert all the information needed to configure the send and receive capability
- Define the applications that will be executed when there is an incoming message in the fax account
- Set up Fax Dispositions and Triggers for Fax automatic operation
- Monitor Fax activities and operators in Realtime
Third Party Apps Integration
- Configure Third Party Applications integration (like Freshdesk, Zendesk, SugarCRM, Zoho, Salesforce, Desk, and so on)
Analytics and Reporting
- Run ready-to-use reports (Copy/Preview/Run/Export)
- Define your custom reports:
- specify the fields of the query (the values you want to fetch)
- set conditions to select the data from DB tables
- Preview report outcome
IVR Design
- Design IVR Script using the native Cally Square Drag & Drop HTML5 Designer:
- Design theFlow logic and use the IVR Blocks set
- Record speech sections and insert them in the flow
- Optionally connect IVR applications to a remote DB (ODBC)
- Define the Variables and the Intervals, at the end test the IVR flow and release it
- Create a project and design the script flow logic with a series of sessions, questions and responses
- Create the trigger, set the conditions you want to trigger the script, add Jscripty action
- Test jscripty project and release it to make the Agents run the project on the common Omni Desktop Interface
Users (Supervisors)
About Users with “User” role
Users with user role can have limited access to modules, queues and channel activities views and restricted editing functions according to the permissions set by the administrator. Users created by the Administrator with full access to all modules and queues and complete editing functions (including Delete), share the same role with the Administrator. Of course, system installation, configuration, setup, licenses and maintenance are activities for the administrators only, as well as Users creation and their permissions management.
In this paragraph we describe some of the typical activities for a Supervisors, but many of them can be the same as those described for the Administrator.
For more information about the User role definition in a User Profile, see here.
Workflow Setup
- Define and manage Contact Center Staff (only Telephones and Agents)
- Design call center surveys using Jscripty
- Design IVR flows usingCally Square
Tools and Utilities Setup
- Define specific Canned Answers, Dispositions, Intervals, Pauses, Schedulers, Tags, Triggers, Sounds, and so on
- Customize the Dashboards
- Setup the customized activities Reports
Monitor Activity
- Monitor Activities and Agents in Realtime
- Run the Reports to monitororganization performance
- Monitor Activities on the Custom Dashboards
Application Guide
- Manage phone calls using the dedicated on-top Phonebar for Windows or the WebRTC embedded OmniDesktop functions:
- Accept Manually/Automatically incoming calls and place outbound calls
- Transfer calls (Blind/Warm/Attended)
- Record calls (Automatic/Manual)
- Calls History
- Agents Presence and Queue List
- Agent Settings
- Test and use external SIP Phones
- Access to the Omni Desktop Interface to manage all Channel Queues(Email, SMS, FAX, Chat, Voice, Open Channels) and to share routing of incoming interactions
- Manage all types of interactions (Email, SMS, FAX, Chat, Open Channels) on the integrated Omni Desktop Interface:
- Accept/Send/Receive/Reply/Forward/Close/Set as Pending Email messages
- Accept/Send/Receive/Close SMS messages
- Accept/Send/Receive/Close FAX exchange sessions
- Accept/Send/Receive/Close Open Channel Messages
- Accept/Manage/Close Chat conversations
- Use Canned Answers
- Use Tags
- Set aDisposition when closing the interactions (mandatory or not)
- Search Interactions on the Interactions List (using filters)
- Dial contacts in a Dialer Preview Campaign
- Exploit the Customer Journey information:
- Click to call contacts
- Click to interact through one of the available Channels
- Search Contacts in CM (global and local):
- Create/Merge/Copy Contacts
- Click to interact or to call
- Run Jscripty surveys
- Use Third Party Applications in integrated mode (like Freshdesk, Zendesk, SugarCRM, Zoho, Salesforce and Desk)